I believe that ongoing learning is central to being an effective psychologist, but also feeling happy and rewarded in the profession. Learning is supported by high quality records and reflections, so I build tools to support psychologists to better capture their learning experiences.

The Continuing Professional Development Workbook was a companion for Australian psychologists to assist them in meeting the professional development requirements outlined by the Psychology Board.

Designed by psychologists, the workbook guided psychologists through the process of creating a comprehensive professional development record by combining an outline of the requirements, a guided learning plan, professional development record, and space to tally and reflect on your learning activities during the year.

The workbook is no longer available for sale (costs of printing) but feel free to get in contact (see footer) if you might wish to collaborate to bring it back in some form. You can still access the watermark protected preview file below.

Those looking for some kind of structure for their CPD recording are encouraged to check out my free guide and template for keeping a virtual CPD record. This is where I am currently focusing my CPD recording efforts.

Access our free guide on keeping a virtual CPD record
Workbook See full workbook
(watermark protected)